The Deadly Dream
The Deadly Dream
The Deadly Dream is a crime thriller film based on a story written and directed by Adel Al-Aasar in 1986. The screenplay and dialogue were written by Atef Beshay , and the film stars Elham Shaheen , Youssef Shaaban , Mahmoud Massoud , Randa, Sabry Abdel Moneim , and Medhat Morsi . The film revolves around Rami, a young graduate and the only son of a wealthy widow, and his friendship with the beautiful young woman, Nany, who devises a plan with her lover, "The Prince," to control the young man and then push him to kill his mother. The film was released in Egyptian cinemas on June 7, 1986.
- Year: 1986
- Country:
- Genre: Crime, Thriller
- Studio:
- Keyword: crime thriller, الحلم القاتل, the deadly dream
- Director:
- Cast: Yousuf Shaaban, Elham Shahein, Mahmoud Massoud